Android L screenshot found in the Chromium issue tracker; Gives us a look at what’s in store for the future

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 24 Jun 2014

Android L screenshot leaks via Chromium

Thanks to an eagle eyed user on Reddit, we finally get to have our first look at the upcoming L release of Android. The screenshot was attached with a bug report on the Chromium bug tracker related to a dialog box not being drawn correctly when the device is rotated from portrait to landscape mode. 

Either ways, it is the now pulled screenshot that interests us more than the bug report. From the screenshot, it is pretty clear that Google will be giving the pop-up dialog box a slight visual tweak and will also be overhauling some of the icons on the status bar. The ‘L’ icon on the status bar at the top left is almost certainly for USB Debugging, while the bell icon suggests that notifications are muted.

The Chrome window in the background has a new status indicator along with a flatter looking action bar. What is more interesting is the fact that the Chrome is running in some sort of window or floating mode where it enters the uncharted territory of the navigation keys, while also giving users a glimpse of the desktop from either side.

Android L is still a few months away from its official unveiling at best, and there is a huge probability that things might be significantly different from what we are seeing in the leaked screenshot right now. Either ways, the screenshot does give us a glimpse at the slight visual revamp and possibly a windowed mode in the upcoming version of Android.

Cheers Doopl!