Huawei Likely to Sell off 5G Assets to a Company Based in the West

BY Mahit Huilgol

Published 12 Sep 2019

huawei logoIn an interview, Huawei founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei told that the company would consider selling its 5G technologies to a company based out of Asia. He also said that the buyer will be allowed to modify elements and also restrict access for the products created.

Huawei founder says that all intellectual property and technology related to 5G technology will be given to the buyer. This will include a host of 5G patents, code, licenses and much more. Once the deal is done, both the stakeholders will be free to modify key elements in their products.

At this point in time, Huawei has not disclosed the potential buyer or the price at which it is going to let go off the 5G technology. However, according to reports, the sale would be to a company based in “the West.”

Huawei has been pretty successful globally. However, the escalating trade war between China and the U.S has put a full stop to the companies prospects in the country. The U.S has already imposed sanctions on Huawei and is also expecting other countries to do the same.

On the other hand, the US has investigated Huawei and questioned the security of its 5G equipment. Meanwhile, Huawei is refuting the charges and claimed that the company had never received a request from the Chinese government to turn over customers data. Google has also refused to extend the reprieve for Huawei and is banning the company from using Google PlayStore and Google Services.

[via MobileWorldLive]