is testing the waters yet again on a visual change to the ay Store.
This time it’s a few subtle tweaks instead of a drastic overhaul, which are starting to show up on some devices already. The green background has been darkened each app’s page has a larger install button fewer elements.

The change isn’t drastic, but you’ll see less clutter when you browse through the ay Store.
I personally like the darker green, as it’s a less stark color choice. I’m not sold on that giant installation button, but the rest of the page is much cleaner with other elements moved down.
There’s no A to get this look right now, as it must be hitting devices based on a server side switch controlled by . Other reports indicate it’s coming to a variety of phones in waves, so keep a lookout for it.
The impact on you: ay doesn’t stay the same for long. However, it appears that is mostly settled on the current design is only making some minor adjustments that are probably based on user testing. If some unforeseen major change pops up, we’ll be sure to let you know about it.