Now features are making their way into Chrome for Android


Published 18 Aug 2016


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is injecting some of the intelligence from its Now service into Chrome. Now when you fire up the new tab page in Chrome dev 54, you’ll see a list of recommended news articles a section for recent bookmarks.

st as with Now, you can scroll down the page glance at other recommended articles that are based on your browsing or search history any customizations you’ve made with News.

google now chrome

If you like your Chrome with a side of Now, then you’ll enjoy ’s latest changes.

The feature popped up for me once I updated launched Chrome Dev. There’s clearly a spot intended to showcase your most recent bookmarks, though that was empty for me even though I had just added a few sites on the desktop. 

If for some reason you don’t see this, then type chrome://flags into the omnibar. Then look for the item labeled “Show content snippets on the New Tab ge.” Switch this from default to enabled, relaunch Chrome, you should see the new Now feature. ile you’re at it, there are plenty of other flags ways to soup up Chrome.

Finally, make sure you have Chrome dev version 54 from the ay Store to enable this feature.

The impact on you: The dev channel is ’s more experimental version of Chrome, so these features will likely change before they make it to the stable build. Of course they may also disappear entirely, but that’s the idea behind three different Chrome channels (stard, beta, dev). You can play around with the latest greatest in dev or beta, but stick with the stable build when you need reliable browsing.