Chrome for Android 52 promises speedier video load times less battery drain


Published 4 Aug 2016


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’s Chrome browser wants to be a better pal when it comes to video watching on Android.

says version 52 will do that by making video playback load faster, play smoother, use up less battery. The following video offers an example:

You should see less pausing right before a video loads experience less battery life loss when watching, according to . If you use Chrome’s data saver mode, you also could see up to 50 percent data savings by loading “lightweight” versions of the videos. It sounds like there’s some compression at work that exchanges video quality for data usage.

The update is doing the typical roll-out through ay. Head over to A Mirror if you want to sideload it immediately.

The impact on you: The browser is still one of the most important apps on any mobile device. ile there are plenty of options on Android, the cross-platform sync tight integration with services still make Chrome a favorite, especially with all the ways you can soup it up. But it can be a RAM battery beast, so any efforts to speed things things along are always welcome.