New renders reveal the possible look of ‘s own Android ar watches


Published 12 Jul 2016


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The evidence is growing that is building its own pair of watches to set the bar high for the next version of Android ar.

Android lice created its own set of renderings, defining them as, “recreations of primary source material for the sake of anonymity of our source.” So while they’re not actual images of the watches, they’re a reproduction that is supposed to look as close to the actual things as possible.

Beyond that, we have to glean what details we can from the leak. The “Angelfish” model is the larger of the two, sports a watch face in line with the increased customization app visibility in Android ar 2.0. The smaller watch, called “Swordfish,” has a thinner bezel less content on the screen.

en you look at them, they just seem like has Nexus bring in mind, with the minimalism curved edges being a hallmark of many of the company’s hsets.

It’s possible these could be a men’s women’s pairing, as gender-specific items are common with watches. Unfortunately the lug size seems like there won’t be any room for the MODE swappable bs. 

Hopefully we’ll get to see one of these things for real soon, or will just come out announce them should they be ready in the near future.

y this matters: clearly feels it needs to give Android ar a jump start by building its own watches. ile there are some good high-end options from Huawei Motorola, may want to set a high bar really show off what Android ar 2.0 can do.