Report: ve support app with screen sharing is coming to Nexus devices


Published 27 Jun 2016


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may be putting a friendlier face on its customer support efforts. A new report suggests the company is building a live support app that would let you share your screen with tech support to better resolve problems.

The app is referred to as Support, though not a lot is known about it right now. Even the screenshot is a mockup:

google support app Android lice

Screen sharing may be a key feature in ’s dedicated support app. 

already offers telephone chat support for Nexus devices, but this would offer another level of assistance to help those who run into a problem. 

You may also have noticed those on-screen navigation buttons look different. Another rumor indicates may be going with a different design, opting for filled-in icons instead of outlines, a home button sporting ‘s four colors. It all looks a little odd right now, so let’s hope this is a work-in-progress.

y this matters: One of the advantages of an ione is you can walk into an Apple Store get hs-on support. Samsung has also branched out in this area with dedicated support inside Best Buy stores. If wants its Nexus line to have wider appeal beyond tech enthusiasts, this may be a route it needs to go down.