11 Ways Smartphones Make Real-Life Conversations Better


Published 17 Jun 2016

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Experts say that smartphones are killing the art of conversation. When you use your smartphone during a conversation. Even if you’re just quickly checking your email, you feel less connected to the person you’re talking to and less fulfilled overall by the exchange. Even the topics you talk about during a smartphone-augmented conversation are of lower quality. Because you tend to discuss shallower issues. Which won’t matter if you’re interrupted. But it’s not all bad news. Smartphones may not foster high-quality conversational topics, empathy, or human connection. There are some ways in which a smartphone-augmented conversation is better than a regular conversation.

You can Capture the Moment

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Two girls taking selfie on a beautiful day

One could argue that taking a selfie with your best friend is a form of bonding that transcends conversation.

You can Exchange Contact Information

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Beautiful young woman using phone and talking to young man while sitting on a bench in a park

You want to have a deep, meaningful conversation, but it’s just not the right time. Luckily, you can reliably exchange contact info via your smartphone and have that conversation sometime in the future!

You’ll Never Run Out of Topics

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What do you do when you run out of things to talk discuss? You’re stuck with the person for the next five hours? Hello, the front page of Reddit!


Awkward Silences are No Longer Awkward

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Let’s face it. Some people sucked at conversation long before smartphones entered the picture. Now those people are just as good at conversation as everyone else, thanks to the awkward silence smartphone stare!

You can Settle Arguments Immediately

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Instead of arguing about a random fact for six hours and possibly destroying your relationship with another human being. Absolutely check.


You Have Access to Many Different Views

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Most conversations benefit from an alternate point of view. And your smartphone gives you access to all those views, from the insane to pretty reasonable.

You Can Play Games Together

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Some relationships are more about doing things together than talking to each other. Thanks to your smartphone, you always have something to do with one another!

You can Avoid Super Awkward Situations

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That girl across the room, you’re sure you know her! But what’s her name? Check Facebook for your friend’s bam; you can have a normal, non-awkward conversation with her without introducing yourself again.

You can Record Conversations

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Okay, so this one goes both ways. But it is convenient if you’re a journalist or a student. You’re trying to memorize what someone’s saying to be able to record what another person is saying quickly.

You can have More Conversations

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Phone video calls count as conversations. Without them, you’d probably only talk to your parents twice a year.

Seriously More Conversations

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Plus, you can talk to people while you’re talking to people. Quantity counts, too, right?