The G5 stakes out its own turf as a modular phone with swappable parts.
That philosophy makes it relatively easy to fix, as illustrated by the 8/10 score the phone just snagged in a recent iFixit teardown. already know the battery is easy to replace, but it’s apparently easy to get at the display other components, too. l you have to do is slide out the battery unscrew two stard-size #00 screws.

The iFixit teardown found a lot of room for making necessary repairs with the G5.
There’s also a general lack of adhesives few screws inside the phone, which makes it more accessible for one who wants to swap out a component.
y this matters: is bucking the trend in smartphone design, which has drifted toward devices that are increasingly difficult to fix (like the Galaxy S7/S7 ge Nexus 6/a>). Companies would rather you just upgrade your phone every year instead of break it open reach for the screwdriver. Many buyers would probably not rather try such delicate surgery on their own, but for enthusiasts repair shops a device like the G5 allows them to lengthen the life of the phone.