Sometimes it’s the little tweaks that can make a big difference. That’s the case with Sheets Slides, which are getting a couple of new features that may help in presenting your slideshow building a snazzier spreadsheet.
th Sheets, you’re now able to take a batch of data transform it into an auto-generated chart. There are a few different types of line area graphs for you to choose from.

th Slides, you can now control your presentation from the lock screen. Move forward, backward, exit the presentation without unlocking the device. If you’re showing a presentation alongside a Hangout, you can now toggle between the different slides.
The impact on you: The Slides feature is particularly useful if you’re using Chromecast or Airay to present while using your device as the controller. Both of these updates are a nudge from that could encourage you to use Docs, Sheets, Slides as your main productivity apps instead of Microsoft Office. ile you can wait for both to update through the ay Store, you can grab them now from A Mirror for Slides Sheets.