Confident that has put the trolls in their place, Map Maker is again open for your edits suggestions.
threw open the gates to the U.S. many other countries, allowing you again to contribute to ’s effort to detail the globe.

Map Maker has new procedures to try avoid prank edits.
The re-opening comes after a prank of an Android-style robot peeing on an Apple logo. It got worse after that revelation, with The ite House listed among search results for racist search terms.
has empowered “top mappers” to take a stronger h in making edits. so, banned its polygon editor, which likely was used in creating the robot in the prank.
y this matters: User contributions are responsible for a lot of the great detail found in Maps. Unfortunately, that open approach left Maps too open to such pranks. The next challenge is for to find the right balance in allowing those with local knowledge to edit maps, while also protecting the app from additional nonsense.