all want more battery life. At the I/O keynote on Thursday, Dave Burke, Vof engineering for Android, announced that Android M would include two major features to help our devices last longer be easier to charge.
The first will be a new Android feature called Doze. Android devices can lose a lot of battery life by catering to apps’ insatiable need for updates. Doze will monitor whether you’re actively using your device. After a period of inactivity, Doze will dial back app activity to save battery life.
“at we’re doing is trading off a little bit of app freshness for longer battery life,” Burke explained. He showed a performance chart comparing the same activity load on two Nexus 9 phones, one running Android llipop the other running Android M. The Android M phone lasted up to twice as long in stby as its llipop counterpart.

th the B-C charging port enabled with Android M, users will be able to charge the device or use the device as a charger for other devices.
Even with Doze’s battery savings, “sooner or later you gotta recharge,” reminded Burke. That’s where B-C will come in. This port, which first surfaced for in its flagship Chromebook xel, will become the stard charging connection for Android M devices. “’ve been working with device manufacturers to bring Type C devices to market with the M release,” said Burke.
Anyone who’s tried B-C on the xel or the new MacBook already knows how easy it is to use this flippable port. In addition, Burke said, you’ll be able to set your B-C Android M device to charge another device, or be charged itself.