Is there anything more exciting, frustrating, ultimately (albeit briefly) rewarding than waiting for an Android update? really knows how to take you for an emotional ride: Teasing you with announcements about new features, dropping hints about names better performance, confusing you with first looks developer previews, finally…releasing update that hits all 2,782 Android devices except the one you have.
unveils a new version of Android

At I/O, of course, which you may or may not be live-streaming on your desktop at work. (You are.)

Maybe those battery-life improvements mean you can hang on to your phone for another six months!
at’s its called?

Codename “Android ..” ffy Taffy? fesavers? llipop? , you are so predictable.
Stop the presses, here’s a first look!

This design overhaul looks…funky.
The developer preview is out…

…but not for your device. You could try side-loading it, but your phone can barely run a fully-tested version of Android. Don’t risk it!
announces the official name

llipop. Duh.
… the launch devices

uld be useful if you were going to buy a new phone. But you’re not.
… a vague update schedule

No Nexus? No prob—oh wait, I guess that is a problem.
releases the source code

Cool, only another 8 months before it comes to your device!
Eight months pass…

… everything is amazing!
it…did just announce another version of Android?