Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Cozies Up to Cars by Adding Mirror Link Compatibility


Published 3 Oct 2014


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The new Samsung Galaxy Note 4 phablet will have another cool feature. Compatibility with the Mirror Link smartphone-to-car platform, the scrappy rival to Android Auto. Like Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, Mirror Link connects your smartphone to your car. So you can use its features safely from the car’s center display. You get into the car, connect your phone, and the presentation should show an interface similar to your phone’s. But adjusted to minimize driver distraction.
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 2
Why this matters: Users want their phones to work in their cars. Mirror Link, Android Auto, and Apple Carplay are all racing to deliver that seamless ease. Mirror Link’s edge is its open standard, giving automakers, app developers, and users more flexibility. Adding Samsung’s phablet and the HTC One (M8), Mirror Link shows it’s making good friends in the massive Android market. Mirror Link also gives Android-centric companies like Samsung an alternative to the hegemony.

No One Wants to be Tied Down

Unlike Android Auto and Apple Carplay. Mirror Link is developed by the Car Connectivity Consortium, independent of a specific OS or company. This means less brand cachet and more freedom for the CCC’s partners. There’s no business interest, no secrecy, said Ewing, president and executive director of the CCC. Ewing noted the risks of sticking with a single company’s solution. If Apple or Android decides tomorrow, this is too hard, they stop doing it, warned Ewing. Then the car guys are left holding the bag. Mirror Link’s a standard; anyone can pick us up.

A platform isn’t a platform without apps, though. The CCC is also working hard on that. It announced seven Mirror Link-certified apps at the Paris Auto Show on Friday. Including the popular Synergic for navigation and Parkopedia for finding parking spots. Ewing said that our job is to get as many exciting apps as possible. Ewing also contrasted Google’s push for a consistent look and felt among Android Auto apps to Mirror Link’s efforts to help developers. As closely as possible to their app’s design while adjusting for minimal distraction.

Samsung may just be hedging its bets. But for Mirror Link, every phone win helps it stand up to Android Auto. Which is still developing but benefits from Google’s money influence. No matter what happens. The smartphone-car marriage benefits from all this activity in a way. That occurred when it was just up to the automakers.