ay Games gets more social in latest app update


Published 30 Apr 2014


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has a knack for releasing Android app updates on dnesdays. ’ve already seen the newly sequestered Docs, Sheets, Slides apps hit the ay store, it looks like ay Games also received an update.

Games now has a newly redesigned slide-out left navigation menu. It now features your + profile photo instead of a boring “My Activity” button. also updated the app to push notifications for gifts friend requests, which you can customize from within the app’s settings. Additionally, “Matches” has been renamed to “Inbox” to give it that social networking look feel.

old playgames

The old ay Games had an all-text slide-out menu. 

new playgames

The new version of ay Games puts your profile right at the top of the slideout menu now displays popular games in the multiplayer section. 

ile it is a relatively minor update, it’s interesting to note that ay Games has gotten much more social with every update. It’s about time, too: many of the features it now boasts have long been integrated into iOS’s Game Center, for instance. Knowing when your friends are online in the mood to play a game is essential to multiplayer gaming—just look at any other gaming platform. It’s good to know that is focused on making community a priority. It won’t really grow any other way.