Google Play Lets You Check Out What Your Friends Have Been Up To in the Play Store

BY GreenBot Staff

Published 1 Apr 2014

Google keeps trying to make things happen. Now it’s taking an extra step to encourage you and your friends to connect. Over your favorite Android apps in the Play Store. Google added a page called My Play Activity. It displays a list of all the Play Store content you’ve reviewed or shared, like Yelp for Android apps. It’s meant to help foster a community where users can bond over their favorite apps and connect. Still, it lets you check what your friends have been downloading lately. It’s a little like the Games app portal, except that it includes applications of all types. So it’s more like an expanded version of the recent activity panel in the Play app for Android.
MyPlayActivity 1
Apparently, it’s a slow rollout, so if you don’t see the page at first, refresh and try again.