Samsung releases detailed hs-on videos of the Galaxy S5, Gear 2, Gear Fit

BY GreenBot Staff

Published 10 Mar 2014

The Galaxy S5 is coming April 11 there is so much to cover before you can get your hs on one that Samsung figured it’d best get you primed prepped before its official launch.

The company published a series of contrived, exhaustingly thorough videos to help you get acquainted with its next flagship device, as well as two of its new smartwatches, the Gear 2 Gear Fit.

The first video walks you through the various features of the Galaxy S5, including its screen resolution video capabilities, camera modes, -Fi download booster, S-Health heart rate monitor, ultra power-saving mode, fingerprint reader. If you’ve been keeping up on your reading, you’re likely already acquainted with most of these things.

Samsung also published a 9-minute “official hs-on” with its new smart watches, the Gear 2 the Gear Fit. It’s a bit more palatable, if only because it concerns two slightly unfamiliar devices. It covers topics like the interface on each device, their camera abilities, fitness heart rate monitoring. Interestingly, the Gear Neo is absent from the video. (

There are more videos available at Samsung’s official YouTube page if you’re interested. ile we’re looking forward to trying out some of the new features of both the Galaxy S5 Samsung’s next-generation smart watches outside of a convention center, we just wish we could have some time to get excited about it. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.