’s been on a heavy updating spree lately. st week it updated apps like Search Maps, dnesday the search giant pushed out an updated to ay Music.
Those of you with a number of devices laying around can now check to see which of your devices have access to your Music library. You can manage them directly from the app, then reauthorize them as you see fit. Remember that you’re only allowed up to ten authorized devices, including any TV-powered set top boxes.

It’s definitely annoying when you’re underground on transit can’t stream your music, but dnesday’s update lets you pre-cache entire radio stations for offline playback. l you have to do is tap the mini Settings button select Keep on device to being downloading the tracks.

Other updates to the Music app include bug fixes associated with Chromecast, an option to refresh your music library, a play next button that lets you play songs without having to shuffle around an entire playlist. There are also a few more options available in the side bar.
The Music for Android update has begun rolling out. You can wait for it to update automatically or grab it in the ay store.