Android Device Manager to get remote password changing and device locking soon

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 16 Sep 2013

Back in August, Google released Android Device Manager, which finally brought a basic amount of anti-theft protection/security to all Android devices out there right out-of-the-box. Now, just a month later, it looks like Google is ready to bring some more features and enhancements to its new security service. 

Right now, Android Device Manager only supports the ability to show the location of an Android device, wipe it remotely and sound an alarm. Now, according to Android Police, Google is on the verge of adding some much needed features to Android Device Manager – remote device locking and remote password changing.

The hints to these features were hidden inside the Google Play Services update that was silently rolled out by Google over the last few days. Even the Android Device Manager website contains hidden images and strings which confirm that the above features are coming to the service, sooner or later.

The folks over at Android Police suggest that we should be seeing an announcement from Google by the end of this week itself.