Xposed module brings ‘Ok Google’ to third-party launchers


Published 29 May 2014


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A couple of days ago, an OmniROM developer teased “Ok Google” like functionality for the stock launcher on their ROM. Now, developer MohammadAG has managed to bring similar functionality to all third-party launchers via an Xposed module.

The Xposed module will work across a variety of devices running Android 4.4 KitKat and powered by a Snapdragon 800 processor including the Nexus 5, HTC One, Galaxy S5, LG G2 and the Xperia Z2. Currently, it supports Nova, Apex, ADW, Aviate, Action, and KK launcher along with the OEM launchers from Sony, Samsung and HTC.

The developer has also added dynamic support for all launchers with the latest release but the feature is a bit flaky so your mileage may vary.


The Xposed module will not have any adverse affect on your battery life as it works exactly like the “Ok Google” functionality on the Google Experience launcher and does not keep your phone unnecessarily awake. In some cases, the feature will work even without any Google Search widget on your home screen, which is an added bonus as it helps to keep your homescreen relatively clean.

Head over to this XDA thread to download the Xposed module and to keep up with all its development.