Tinted Status Bar module for Xposed brings iOS 7’s status bar to Android


Published 4 Dec 2013


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If you follow the Android modding and custom ROM scene, you will be aware of how powerful and useful Xposed framework is. For the unknown, Xposed is a framework for modules that can change the behaviour of apps and system without modifying any of the APKs. Xposed framework allows you to get most, if not all, the features popularly seen on a custom ROM without flashing one via modules created by developers.

One such Xposed module – Tinted Status Bar – brings the tinted status bar feature as seen on iOS7 and Paranoid Android to almost any rooted Android device out there.

The module will automatically change the color of the status bar on your Android device, depending on the color accents of the application being used. There is also a configuration app with the module via which you can override the status bar colors for any specific app. There is also an API available so app developers can plug into it to take advantage of this module.


The module has been tested across a wide range of Android devices including the Galaxy S4, Nexus 4, Note 2 and HTC One, but can be a bit buggy sometimes, justifying its beta tag.

If you face any issues with the module, do drop in to this XDA thread and let the developer know. Also, make sure you have downloaded and installed the Xposed framework on your rooted Android device.