TAG Heuer teases its upcoming Android smartwatch on Twitter


Published 12 Oct 2015


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TAG Heuer Android smartwatch teaser

While companies like Google, Motorola, Huawei, and plenty of others already have plenty of options when it comes to smartwatches, some of the old-fashioned watchmakers are still waiting in the wings.

One such legendary manufacturer is just about to step out of the shadows, though. TAG Heuer has already confirmed that it has a smartwatch coming down the pipeline, and this one will be powered by Android. It will also cost $1,800, as revealed by the company’s CEO in September.

Now, while the watch won’t be revealed for awhile now, the company has taken to Twitter to tease the upcoming wearable. It includes the caption “Get ready to experience the next step in innovation.” Add to that a hashtag, as usual, that reads “#connectedtoeternity.”

There is also a link that leads to a dedicated website that has a large countdown clock, which will end on November 9, 2015.

Do you plan on picking up the TAG Heuer Android smartwatch?