Samsung Headphone Dongle Leaks on Heels of Galaxy Note 10 Launch

BY Mahit Huilgol

Published 1 Aug 2019

samsung dongle note 10 e1564688110868Samsun Galaxy Note 10 renders and leaks already hinted that upcoming Galaxy Note 10 will lack a headphone jack. Leaked picture of a headphone dongle for Galaxy Note 10 has lent further credibility to the earlier rumor.

Samsung had retained the headphone jack on its flagship phone. If the leak turns out to be true, then the Galaxy Note 10 will be the first Samsung flagship to ditch headphone jack. That being said, Samsung’s competitors including Google, Apple and others have already moved on with the Type-C USB audio port.

The leaked dongle looks neat while the tapered connectors slowly descend and fuse into the wire. It looks like a much sturdier arrangement then the Apple headphone dongle. Furthermore, Samsung is going to make up for the headphone jack by including the dongle in the box with Galaxy Note 10 and Note 10 Plus.

Samsung seems to be slowly moving away from 3.5mm headphone jacks. Even the recently launched Galaxy Tab S6 lacks a headphone jack. The reason for removing headphone jack is pretty simple, manufacturers save space. The compact form factor will help them offer a slimmer bezel and a sleeker design.

Our Take

Carrying a headphone dongle is far from ideal. I have dealt with the dongle on my Pixel and iPhone for a couple of years. However, in the current scenario, the absence of 3.5mm jack is likely to be less felt. Most of us have presumably switched to wireless headphones and thus inadvertently solved the need for 3.5mm headphone jack.

Will the lack of headphone stop you from buying Galaxy Note 10/ Note 10 Plus? Let us know in the comments below.