Google Translate gets even better, adds Thai and Hindi support, improves camera input

BY Stefan Constantinescu

Published 16 Aug 2013


Google Translate is one of the coolest things Google has ever released. In my honest opinion, it’s even better than Android. Today the company is making Translate even better by adding Thai and Hindi handwriting recognition. This is important because those languages are a serious pain to use with a standard keyboard. Being able to draw on the screen is (obviously) a hundred times easier.

Also, several new languages (Afrikaans, Greek, Hebrew and Serbian) have been added to “Camera Input” mode. For those who don’t know what that is, you point your camera at a block of text, Google snaps a photo, allows you to select which parts of the photo you want to be translated, and boom, it’s done. I’ve used this feature extensively, and while it’s not exactly the best way to translate something, it works in a pinch.

While I’m on the topic of Google Translate, I’d like to remind everyone that Chrome for Android recently got translation support, so make sure you’re using that instead of the stock browser on your device or Firefox or Opera or whatever it is you’re using. For someone like me, who reads media from multiple countries, being able to do that on my phone now is mind blowing.