Google shows off a brand new Calendar app


Published 3 Nov 2014


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image Google Calendar

The Nexus 9 and Nexus Player will be the first devices to market with the newest version of Android on board, and Google is more than happy to show off the individual apps that will aim to make the experience better.

On Monday, November 3, Google officially showed off the newest Calendar app that owners of the Nexus 9 will be able to use right out of the gate, and what will, eventually, become available for other Android-based devices eventually as well. The most obvious change is the heavy influence from Material Design, as Calendar looks flatter than ever, even as more colors show up.

One new feature is Events, which can be pulled fro your Gmail account. Basically, as you get emails with times, dates, or any other relevant information that can be added into a calendar event, they will be added as such automatically. Another new feature is Assists, which will let the new Calendar suggest events as you manually type them into a new event:

image google Calendar2

Of course, not all event info arrives in your inbox. You often have to piece together phone numbers, addresses and attendees from lots of different sources, then add them to your calendar manually. With Assists, Calendar can suggest titles, people and places as you type, as well as adapt to your preferences over time. For example, if you often go running with Peter in Central Park, Calendar can quickly suggest that entire event when you type ‘r-u-n.’

The new Calendar app is available for the Nexus 9 right out of the box, and the update will be landing in the coming weeks for all Android 4.1+ devices.

[via Google]