Chrome 58 for Android Makes It Easier To Manage Downloads, Adds Full Screen Support for Web Apps

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 26 Apr 2017

Google today announced the release of Chrome 58 for Android with a bunch of performance and stability fixes. Among other things, the update also makes it easier to manage your downloads through the Downloads page.

The lack of a proper Download page in Chrome so far made it very difficult to manage your existing downloads and see all the files that you had downloaded so far. With the new Download page, you will now be able to easily manage your existing and ongoing downloads as well.

The update also splits the “Autofill” option to “Autofill and payments”, with the option of saving credit card details getting its own dedicated page.

The update also sees the history page being completely redesigned thereby making it easier to view and clear your browsing data. Lastly, you can now directly open a link in a new Chrome tab from within a Chrome Custom tab on long pressing a link.

Chrome 58 will also allow Progressive Web Apps (PWA) to go full screen. Google is hoping to blur the line between apps and web apps with PWAs and this is just another move in the same direction. Already installed PWAs on your phone can now also play audio and video content.

You can find the full git changelog of Chrome for Android here.

[Via Google Chrome blog]