Call of Duty: Strike Team lands on the Play Store for $6.99

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 25 Oct 2013


Activision has just released the first ever official Call Of Duty game on the Play Store – Call of Duty: Strike Team. As it can be expected from such a big title, the game packs some stunning graphics and a hefty price tag of $6.99.

There is a mix of FPS and third person shooting in Strike Team, with the game allowing users to use a drone to place your team mates in strategic locations. Players can also select which character they would like to play in any given mission. There is also a survival mode, if you just want some pure FPS experience.

The game weighs in at 1.9GB so make sure you have ample free space on your Android device. Also, make sure your Android device has a beefy CPU and GPU combo, otherwise the game will lag on your device killing the whole experience.

Sadly, the $6.99 price does not get you the full game. There are quite a lot of IAPs (In-App Purchases) in the game as well, which should piss off quite a few people, especially after paying what is an above average price for a game.

Download: Call of Duty: Strike Team