‘Industry Officials’ say the Samsung Galaxy Note III will come out at IFA with a 5.7″ screen


Published 8 Jul 2013


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According to “Industry Officials” who spoke to The Korean Herald, Samsung is on track to release the Galaxy Note III at IFA in Berlin on September 6th. These mythical strangers also say the device will have a 5.7 inch screen.

So why am I bothering to even cover this rumor if there’s no new information?

I’m incredibly confused, and frustrated, as to how a rumor started by Android Geeks has ended up being repeated by every tech blog on the internet. On June 28th, Marius Maria said Samsung is going to hold a press conference in Berlin on the 4th of September to announce the Note III. I’ve never heard of Marius, nor have I heard of Android Geeks, yet somehow we’re all believing him.

I say “we”, but in reality I don’t. If I’m wrong, I’ll publicly apologize.

Anyway, as for the screen size, that’s a hugely contested data point. The first Note III rumors said 6.1 or 6.2 inches. Then that went down to 6.0 inches. Then it went down again to 5.9 inches. This latest 5.7 inch figure, it was first reported by a guy I personally trust, @evleaks.

September 6th is closer than you think. Less than two months. We’ll get the truth soon.