Microsoft debuts Arrow Launcher in private beta

BY Evan Selleck

Published 28 Jul 2015

Microsoft Arrow Launcher

There are a lot of Android launchers out there, including one from Google itself. And now Microsoft is throwing its hat into the mix as well.

Recently, Microsoft launched its Android launcher, entitled Arrow Launcher, into a private beta. Microsoft-News was able to get a look at the launcher and try it out, and impressions following a quick walkthrough are positive. It’s a straightforward launcher, insofar that it has only three pages which can’t be edited, but it seems functional with just the right aesthetic to make it worth looking at, too.

The first of the aforementioned pages is Contacts, which grants access to all the contact information for the user, and will even bring up a dialer when needed. The second page is for Apps, which serves as a means to gain access the user wants when they want them. And, finally, the Notes and Reminders page, which allows the user to jot down or access notes on the fly.

If you’re curious to check it out, head through the source link below and be sure to let us know what you think of it.

[via Microsoft-News]