HTC One Max teaser video potentially reveals company’s new slogan: Here’s To Change

BY Stefan Constantinescu

Published 6 Aug 2013

HTC is going to launch a 5.9 inch version of the HTC One. That’s guaranteed and widely accepted as fact. The only question is when? Some say later this month, others say September, whatever the case may be, it’s going to have to up against Samsung’s upcoming 5.7 inch Galaxy Note III.

Now HTC being a tech company, they want to get the hype rolling for their product, so last night they released both a Vine and a YouTube video that say: “Big things ahead.” What I want to focus on is the very end of the video. HTC’s three letter logo gets blown up and turns into “Here’s To Change”. I honestly hope that turns into the company’s new slogan, because it’s catchy, it represents their brand, and it’s a lot easier to spell than “Quietly Brilliant”.

Which device will ultimately end up being better: The One or the Note III? Different people like different things. Some like a metal phone, some don’t mind Samsung’s plastic. Some want a stylus, others can do without. Some prefer LCD, others prefer AMOLED. For me, it’s far too early for me to make a judgement call.

[Via: Pocket-now]