HTC One M9 news for the U.S. arriving on March 18

BY Evan Selleck

Published 16 Mar 2015

HTC One M9

The HTC One M9 was announced at the beginning of the month, but launch details, specifically for the United States market, wasn’t in abundance.

That changes on Wednesday, March 18, though, if a recent tweet from HTC America’s President, Jason Mackenzie, is any indication. He recently tweeted that his company has a “BIG announcement” coming on Wednesday, and then also threw in the hashtag “#HTCOneM9” for good measure. At this point, it’s expected that HTC will finally unveil some launch details for the U.S. market for their latest flagship, but considering this is an executive for the company, anything is possible when it comes to news.

Hopefully, though, for anyone in the United States looking for launch details for the new flagship, Wednesday should be a good day.

[via @JasonMacHTC]