Unofficial: Samsung GS4 unit sales hit 20 million, press release due to come out soon

BY Stefan Constantinescu

Published 3 Jul 2013


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The Korean website iNews24 is reporting that Samsung will soon be holding a press conference to announce that GS4 unit sales have surpassed 20 million unit sales. Considering that the device started shipping in late April, that would mean it’s taken roughly two months to hit this milestone. For the sake of comparison, it took the GS3 100 days to hit the same figure.

I can’t find the tweet where I said this, but I predicted that Samsung would announce 20 million GS4 sales in mid June. That didn’t happen. Then I thought they’d announce the 20 million sales figures on their event in London on June 20th, but that didn’t happen either.

When the GS4 hit 10 million units sold, it was at a growth rate of 2x the GS3. With this new figure, it’s more like 1.6x, which is still impressive, but not as impressive as analysts are expecting.