A giant lollipop shows up at the Googleplex, signaling the arrival of Android 5.0 Lollipop


Published 15 Oct 2014


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Android Lollipop statue

Now that Google has given the green light to Android 5.0 Lollipop, and officially announced the Nexus 9 and Nexus 6 at the same time, it was only a matter of time before a giant Lollipop statue made its presence known at the Googleplex.

That time has come, with the arrival of a large statue of the familiar Android mascot holding an even bigger lollipop. Unlike previous generations, where the Android mascot has taken on the form of its sweet-based name, this time around it’s just the bugdroid holding up a lollipop, along with a peace sign for good measure.

You can check out a video of the unveiling of the new statue just below.

What do you think of the new statue at the Google HQ? Is it fitting for the newest version of Android?

[via Android Police]