BBM Voice, BBM Channels and more coming to BBM for Android in 2014


Published 19 Dec 2013


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BlackBerry has detailed its 2014 roadmap for BBM for Android on its blog. Here are the new features that will be added to BBM over the next year, some of which are already present in BlackBerry phones.

BBM Voice

BBM Voice will let you make free long distance calls to anyone in the world with BBM over the internet. Much like FaceTime Audio or Skype.

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BBM Channels

BBM Channels are conversation rooms that include BBM users beyond your contact list. Kind of like IRCs or forums centred around certain interests.

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Faster and Easier sharing of photos, voice recordings, location

BBM will let you share your photos, voice notes in a single touch with your friends. You’ll also be able to share your live, constantly updating location with your friends, for a limited time. Once the timer runs out, your location would be private again.

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New emoticons

BlackBerry says it’ll be adding 100 new emoticons, including ROTFL, Epic Fail, Face palm, a serious hug and smiley-poo.

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BlackBerry says it is beta testing these features on Android and iPhone, and they should be released publicly in the next few months.

[via BlackBerry]